Instructions Not Included(2013)- Review
Instructions Not Included is a Mexican comedy-drama film about Valentín Bravo (Eugenio Derbez). He carries a persona of a playboy and has no interest in having a normal lifestyle. He has always been fearful and afraid of everything that would require courage. His father Juan ‘Johnny’ Bravo is quite the opposite of him, extremely courageous and full of vigor. Juan in order to make his son brave like him tries all means available and exposes Valentín to every possible fear he has. But to no avail, Valentín continuous to be frightened and runs away resenting his father. Years later after Valentín is the local playboy and sleeps with pretty much every tourist that comes into town. But on one dreary morning, he finds at his doorstep the nightmare that is to turn his life upside down. The movie continuous with Valentín and his daughter Maggie (Loreto Peralta) building an envious bond when he raises her letting go of his lifestyle giving Maggie a beloved home.
The plot of the movie sounds very jovial giving a story about a man who has always been cowardly raising a daughter out of nowhere, and indeed it is with a number of hilarious scenes. Eugenio Derbez does a great job fulfilling all his roles among co-writing, directing, and majorly acting. He gives a great vibe to the character making the audience connect with the character. The young Loreto Peralta does a lovely job playing the 6 year-old. There can be no complaints about the casting choices of the movie. The plot of finding a child at the doorstep is now ubiquitous all over the world but still, this movie does not give out that feeling of lack of creativity.
Continuing on the plot, the creators surely try to bring in all their unique aspects to it with unpredictable subplots, but the rudimentary story build-up can be easily predicted. The movie could have been stretched out easily adding a few more comic scenes before the climax. Further, for the majority of the film, it keeps on its comedic face, but the drama in it is suddenly spurred on unexpectedly and that surprise element would be very unsavory for almost all audiences.
‘No se aceptan devoluciones’, literally Returns not accepted, still gives a good number of laughs rarely disappointing in that aspect. The other aspect of emotion will touch every person’s heart looking at the unlikely father figure of Valentín and his love for his daughter. The movie having been released before Netflix introduced its plethora of Spanish-content, introducing & hooking everyone to it, the movie is rarely talked about. Still, it’s a great watch for a family on a boring Saturday evening.
Acting- 8.5
Casting- 9
Cinematography- 7
Dialogue- 7
Directing- 7
Editing & Effects- 6
Sound & Music- 7.5
Story- 8
Storytelling- 9
Rating- 8
Available on: Amazon Prime